Visual Affirmation of Worries and Fears 2022, oil on wood panels, 15" x 13” x 1.5” (40 cm x 34 cm x 4 cm) | Open for commission
Visual Affirmation of Worries and Fears, 2022, oil on wood panels, 15" x 13” x 1.5” (40 cm x 34 cm x 4 cm) © Ha Yeoun Kim

What is it that were scared of? Is it real?

From time to time, we find ourselves being paranoid and asking 
“what if that happen?” or “what if it goes wrong?” 
On most days, our anxiety haunts us even before the fear actually kick into our days. 
However most of the time, our fears are unjustified. 

In this painting, we see three different frames attached together, sharing the same ground line. 
Notice how the frame of the bowling pin is breaking the gourd frame’s outer line. 

The bowling pin symbolizes our anxiety, which exists as a solid body, with a solid shadow, proving it’s true existence even though it is living in a separated frame.

On the other hand, we see a bowling ball.
Again, the bowling ball lives in a different frame, but in a lot smaller size, with no certain weight or shadow. It’s only there, as a suggestive broken outline, as if it’s a ghost that causes our anxiety but doesn’t have its true form. Just like our fears.

Kim talks about this painting as a “Sister’s advice”, saying, “What you’re scared of is most likely not actually gonna happen. 
But I acknowledge your anxiety 
and having that is fine

“Everything is going to be okay.”

“Try to look into the bright side.”

✨ the bright side ✨